Factualize Your Cannabis Lectures with Government Documents.
If you were cordially invited to this website, then you're either a cannabis advocate or a newbie who's fed-up with bullsh*t!
If you were cordially invited to this website, then you're either a cannabis advocate or a newbie who's fed-up with bullsh*t!
It is the Lab Rat's hope that these FREE downloadable documents with the URL links on the documents themselves, will help to empower every cannabis advocate to educate one more person who seeks the knowledge to stand-up to those lying government officials in the name of Cannabis Justice.
May the truth indeed set our good LORD God's and ou
It is the Lab Rat's hope that these FREE downloadable documents with the URL links on the documents themselves, will help to empower every cannabis advocate to educate one more person who seeks the knowledge to stand-up to those lying government officials in the name of Cannabis Justice.
May the truth indeed set our good LORD God's and our fair Mother Nature's cannabis plants free at last ... for of all the substances on earth that an adult, child or infant can consume intentionally or by accident, cannabis is by far the safest substance on earth.
While these are only a tidbit of the Lab Rat's FREE downloadable documents with URL links on the documents themselves, more FREE downloadable documents are available at the Lab Rat's invitational website of CANNABIS JUSTICE.
Now I the Lab Rat can die peacefully, if it be the will of our good LORD God, the Father of many names; for I, the
While these are only a tidbit of the Lab Rat's FREE downloadable documents with URL links on the documents themselves, more FREE downloadable documents are available at the Lab Rat's invitational website of CANNABIS JUSTICE.
Now I the Lab Rat can die peacefully, if it be the will of our good LORD God, the Father of many names; for I, the Lab Rat am an old man and I have pushed my mental abilities to its limit as to how much knowledge I could upload here on 50 pages and on 50 pages of the invitational website of Cannabis Justice - that is, while being forced to take Big Pharma's mind-fogging drugs Pravastatin, Zoloft, Eliquis, Glipizide, etc., or die before the Trial Court sends my conflict attorney the trial transcript necessary for the New Trial on home-growing of cannabis as a human right.
Yes! I've Included those documents and exhibits that got the Lab Rat railroaded into a 20-year prison sentence in Georgia's infamous Chain-Gang Prison system and yet, by placing my FAITH in our good LORD God the Father of many names and not taking their plea bargain offer at sentencing ... I, the Lab Rat (1) was released on parole after 20-months of incarceration and (2) preserved our Constitutional Right to challenge those unjust and unconstitutional cannabis laws in the State of Georgia and in these United States of America.
If you've already taken the TOUR OF THE LAB RAT'S SITE (ALL 50 PAGES OF IT) and are still impatient for more FREE downloadable documents ... then know that I, the Lab Rat has created a second website with even more downloadable FREE documents, Oval office tapes, videos, historical Newspaper articles etc., as Cannabis the plant (pro se) g
If you've already taken the TOUR OF THE LAB RAT'S SITE (ALL 50 PAGES OF IT) and are still impatient for more FREE downloadable documents ... then know that I, the Lab Rat has created a second website with even more downloadable FREE documents, Oval office tapes, videos, historical Newspaper articles etc., as Cannabis the plant (pro se) goes on trial as the defendant in a Court of FACTS - CANNABIS JUSTICE!
Click on any Visit Cannabis Justice button to view the other website CANNABIS JUSTICE; as well as, any Visit the Lab Rat's Document button when you want to return to this website THE LAB RAT'S DOCUMENTS.
NOTE: If you're using a cellphone to view this website then you must click on the three horizontal lines at the top right hand corner of your screen to access the "TOUR OF THE LAB RAT'S SITE" and that the thumbnail photos used on photo galleries may not be visible to you but do attempt to SCROLL those photo galleries anyway. NOTHING BEATS A FAILURE LIKE A TRY!
Welcome to The Lab Rat's Documents, your FREE one-stop-shop for all your cannabis document needs.
These documents are designed to make your educational gatherings a success time after time.
Email the Lab Rat today to learn how the Lab Rat can help you to help CANNABIS JUSTICE!
Your support & contribution will enable the Lab Rat to meet our goal & fund our Court case in Georgia for the home cultivation of Cannabis Marijuana & Hemp to the benefit of all Georgians & the people of these United States. (Donations not required if you're like the rest of us ... living paycheck to paycheck) ;-)
The Lab Rat loves all Cannabis Advocates and Senior Citizens on fixed-incomes, so feel free to visit here anytime for FREE knowledge located inside the TOUR THE LAB RAT'S SITE or to ask the Lab Rat any questions you may have.
Open today | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm |
Closed during VA hospital Appointments aka Lab Experimentations.